In light of news of Rupert Murdoch's goons hacking dead people's phones in England, you might be wondering about just how easy it is for people to snoop on your voice mail. It's very easy. 在RupertMurdoch的英国公司雇员入侵死者电话的新闻轰炸下,你可能会感兴趣到底入侵一个人的手机去窃取语音信息有多容易,答案是非常容易。
To avoid the jeering laughter he expected, he sneaked out in the dead of night to mail his first manuscript. 为避免可能遭到别人耻笑,他半夜里悄悄溜出去寄第一次文稿。
Often as not, the prisoners were dead before the mail was delivered. 不出意外,这些囚犯在信件发出之前就已经死去。
Please report errors and dead links, mail your comments and suggestions on the site to webmaster. 请报告错误和无效链接,邮件发表你的意见和建议,对网站给网络管理员。
Diseased lungs, dead bodies, a man on a ventilator and mothers blowing smoke in their children's faces are among the images that may end up on cigarette packs in the US, the Daily Mail reports. 英国《每日邮报》消息,染病的肺、死尸、带着呼吸机的人、母亲在孩子面前吞云吐雾,这些惊人的图片将印在美国的香烟包装上。